Monday, July 14, 2008

I'm Working On It!

So here I am waiting for Chris to tell me he is only going to stay a few extra months in Iraq. You will know when he has decided to stay too long. You won't be able to find me and the house will be for sale. I think if that happens I will change my name to something like Candy, yea CANDY! That would be great. I can be Candy the hair dresser. There is a Great Cuts in most cities across the country........................... Oh sorry, I was day dreaming. To the point then.
As I am becoming more Internet savvy, I have decided to try blogging. Soon I will have pictures on here and many stories to tell. The soon pictures thing, that is because I forgot my cord thingy and can't upload any photos. YES you read correctly, me, upload, photos, blogging, Internet savvy. I know you think you are dreaming! Pinch yourself, you are not. I learned how to bookmark thingies a minute ago! So as my knowledge grows so will my BLOG. I hope you visit again soon.


Carla said...

Candy, I am very impressed with your new found ability to maneuver the internet, and your creative writing abilities are top notch.

jacksonx03 said...

Wow Kim, good for you! You are a good little writer, this should be a fun blog. I like the peppermint patty, is that your favorite treat?


Julie said...

You are soooooo amazing and cute !!!! You really are a good writer too!! We feel very blessed and lucky to have found you not only for Chris but for all of us ! Keep growing and posting, Miss Candy, ummmm I mean Yummy oh no it's Patty !!!
The mean old MIL